
Find Other Greek-American Archives & Create Your Own

Archives provoke the discussion about the making of historical knowledge, questioning who produces history and how. Some of the information in archives is available to the public, while some are entirely hidden from the public. Families keep archives that speak about them in the form of photographs, documents, and objects and store them in attics or computers (Wallace, 2017). Several institutions have made efforts to archive data relating to Greek immigrants who have migrated all over the world. 

Uncover your family’s history

Information about Greek Americans is scattered, but there are a few databases where you can start your research. 

Additional resources to consider: 

Acropolis of America

Facebook group that posts pictures of Greek America. 

Center for Research Libraries (CRL)

Contains a list of Greek-American newspapers (including Loxias tou Sikagou = Chicago Loxias, Ethnikos keryx = The National Herald, and Thessalonike). 

Haverford College, Magill Library

Haverford College’s Magill Library is in the process of providing online access to the Greek-American Review, a New York City-based monthly magazine that appeared between 1991-2006.

Preserve your memories 

Knowing, recording, and preserving family histories are very beneficial to individuals, families, and society. Knowing and understanding one’s cultural background helps develop a sense of who we are (Driessnack, 2017). The way one relates to the family stories enables one to create one core identity. We are also able to develop resilience through knowing our family history and understanding how our forefathers handled and overcame challenges. 

Sometimes we throw things out without considering the value these materials may have for future generations. That book you read to your kids at night may be one of the very few remaining versions. Once you have your materials collected, you can visit a local library that will help you assess the value of your collection and help you preserve your memories.

“Because a song can take you back instantly to a moment, or a place, or even a person. no matter what else has changed in you or the world, that one song stays the same, just like that moment.” ― Sarah Dessen